CGM Powergroup Logo

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About CGM Powergroup

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CGM is an independent power producer that was incorporated in 2016. Its current objective is to deliver renewable solar energy as an Independent Power Producer. In pursuit of this , CGM has since acquired land for development of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), for 2 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) plants in Luapula Province, namely, Chipili Power corporation Limited and Mansa Power Development Limited.

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CGM’s scaled power project is targeting a total of 350MW to be developed and constructed within the Northern Circuit Region of Zambia over the next 2 – 7 years.

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CGM Power Group’s core mandate is to implement, support as well as invest in clean energy, entrepreneurship and environmental protection with a strong focus on Impact Investment projects. CGM values the importance of relationships with local and International partners, the community, government authorities and statutory agencies; and will continue to remain fair and true in its dealings with all partners, employees, customers, and subcontractors.

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Deliver high quality, Cost-effective projects on Schedule by employing and supporting passionate, flexible and focused project teams.

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CGM’s aim is to be the the best and most successful provider of energy, construction and infrastructure service.

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Core Values

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Our company is guided by our core values that supports our vision and mission statement and ultimately builds the culture we live by. We believe in our people, customers, growth in knowledge, performance and results.

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Our Leadership

Our mission, vision and core values govern how our leadership team and board members serve the renewable energy sector.
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